Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm a Pescetarian on the edge

I don't eat meat, but I do eat fish, eggs and diary....

After visiting it may be time to reconsider... forget the whole cruelty angle.. it's ecological footprint arguments that are attracting me. The problem with being pescetarian, (also spelled pescatarian) is that our Oceans are in peril. The fish stocks are not rebounding and fish are full of all the crap we pump in the ocean! Mercury messes us up! It's hard to deny these many pronged arguments... pass the tofu and soy beans mate!


  1. My lovely wife is a full on vegetarian. Would you like some pointers on how to make it a lifestyle? It's not so bad. I rarely eat meat and have zero problems gaining weight. Oh yeah, the ecological footprint thing is great reason for the change too.

  2. how do you put on weight without meat? chips n beer?
