Monday, February 25, 2008

2008- Run 38, Bike 3- Brick III

well, headed out on the old bike today.. rode an easy 20 miles in 1:20 then went for a 4 mile run

So, my third Brick.. the bike ride was a bit slower than it might have been given the fact I almost hit some pedestrians about 1 mile in.. the car in front of me stopped unexpectedly to let these people cross, there was no way I could stop without hitting the car, and the pedestrians didn't even look! .. well, until after I blew by them at about 20 miles an hour... I geared down a couple gears after that.. Just too many people out and about today to be hammering it down near the beach. On the way home, I took the beach trail, which was very slow going, but enjoyable to see everyone out and about.

The run was interesting. It took me about 5 minutes in transition given that I have to bring the bike inside the apartment, change, and scarf 2 scoops of peanut butter. The peanut butter really got me through the run. Weekly total running was 45 miles.. pretty much according to plan.
Afterwards, went out with friends for Mexican food and beer. Need to count up my yoga days too..

Year to date:
Arrived Van. January 7th. First run January 8- been here 48 days now.. have run 38 times.. biked 3 times & been to 36 yoga classes
Bike 48 miles
Run 228 miles


  1. I love the two scoops of peanut butter bit. 45 miles, well done. I ran 4.2 last night and felt proud.

  2. Good for people to know.
