Thursday, October 23, 2008

2008- Run 151 Town Loop

an easy run around town.. 3 miles in 28 minutes .. I'm curious if my readers can jump to Motionbased from these links I post.. i say readers as though it were plural...

well, the old legs are surprisingly quite good which inspired the run when I wasn't exactly planning on running. .. I did yoga stretching Tuesday, Wednesday and a bit tonight.. I also started back on the weights.. Tuesday, chest and arms, Wed, back, Thursday, chest and arms... feeling pretty good and trying to ease back into the weights..

going to try and lift on a much more regular basis..
Monday- Chest and shoulders
Tuesday- Back
Wednesday- ARMS
Thursday- Chest and Shoulders
Friday- OFF
Saturday- Swim and Yoga
Sunday- OFF

There will also be some yoga stretching at school as I start to teach yoga to kids from 2:15-3:15 on Tuesday and Thursday in the small gym.. Please stop by Verne. What about liability?

Next week, I'll also be easing back into the running..
Monday 3 miles easy with a newbie
Tuesday 6 miles tempo
Wednesday 6 miles easy
Thursday 12 miles
Friday- Sunday Off

According to my Garmin.. TOTAL so far in 2008.. run and Bike combined:
1888.83 MILES 232:30 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Yes, motion based works but more important where's the race report for the big pr! Awesome improvement there at KV!!
