Saturday, May 24, 2008

blah blah blog

Well, living at the lake is certainly an adjustment. No internet! Yikes! And when I do manage to get online, there certainly isn’t time to compose and post to my blog, especially given all the time out problems I seem to have getting my Garmin to upload…. Oh well…

So, this was a pretty good training week. On Monday, Victoria Day, I did 16 miles. I stopped the timer at the turn around point, so I lost about a half mile on my GPS. Again, I need to get some Gels or pack some chocolate for those longer runs, but the routine of plant water at 40 minute point, run out another 20, turn works just as well here. In fact, the 16 miler was actually a 12 miler with a spin around town added on at the end… Sounds easy but 16 miles sounds so much more momentous than 13… All in my head I guess…

Tuesday was a Day Off! Work PM

Wednesday – Hill Repeats! Man, talk about a tough workout. First of all, I stopped my watch before beginning my first repeat, so it messed up all the timing right from the get go.. I was rather upset with myself and it showed! This being my second go at Hills, I couldn’t believe how negative my mindset became as this workout progressed. The first set was nothing but excuses! “This is stupid! I look stupid! I feel stupid! Stupid trees! Stupid dogs! Stupid cars!” So, again I managed to get through the first set with a kind of Zen attitude towards all the negativity my brain was concocting! Does that make any sense? If you know your body is going to hate you for doing what you had planned and that you will become very negative mid workout, what do you call it when what you thought would happen, happens? Do you feel smile at yourself? Give yourself the ol', “I told me so?” lol! Well, then, what do you call it when you knew beforehand you would try to talk yourself into quitting but you stick to the plan anyways? Stubborn? Stupid? Some combination of the two! Oh well, the long and short of it seems to be that my body really does not enjoy hill repeats and seems to try every trick going to get me to quit. I just do a quick, What would Verne do, and stick to the plan…

Wednesday’s workout was an hour and a half, about 10 miles

Thursday.. went out for an “easy” 3 mile town loop.. Spent 5 minutes on the exercise bike after normal stretches and before I headed out the door. What a difference this 5 minutes made.. Instead of starting from cold as I usually do, I started out very quickly and enjoyed the pace. I ended up running mile 1 in under 7 minutes. I was going along so smoothly, I thought I might as well go for it! I was very close to a PB for the Town Loop, I have little doubt! Worked waiting tables in PM

Friday. Well, last night, there were a few beer consumed, so I wasn’t feeling up to another hiil repeats workout, so instead, I ran the triangle.. It wasn’t the best run I ever had, but given how my stomach was feeling, it was a good run to get in. Tonight, I was in Saint John for the last section of my Personal Trainer’s Certificate. I ended up driving home to the lake, but tomorrow I’ll stay up in the city if I can do so and stay out of trouble.

35 miles so far this week.. will try and get another 5 in tomorrow so I log 40! ...

5 miles postponed to sunday night...

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