Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 Ran 26 laps at Loony Laps @3.1 km per lap for 80km in 22 hours...

Saturday, June 22, 2024

 June 22- 2024

tomorrow i turn 55... hard to believe really 

55 bitches!!

to celebrate and burn the demons i will run 55 km

starting and leaving from the scout hut... that's 11 laps of town

last time i did it i bonked in the last few hundred meters ... i got watch tuned in a little better and am starting from the scout hut just in case it gets messy but also to be less inclined to quit if i start from home

i hope to be under 6 hours... 5 hours 55 minutes would be great,, nah that's 32 minute 5k's,.. a bit too ambitious

it shall be finished... time is unimportantπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 resurgo mararthon and 5Km in Moncton 24:30 5k october 2022

4:08 full

 2022 fredericton half 1:45:19

hamsrting injury of 2023

Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday, March 20, 2020

Garmin Connect

First Day of Spring.... 50K on the CX Bike 2020Garmin Connect

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

2019- Goal Achieved

also achieved goal in 2020 and 2021- but 2021 maybe in miles

Monday, November 11, 2019

  • Campobello International Marathon 2019 4:43
  • Lorneville Loop 2019 1:11:41
  • Campobello International Marathon 2017 6:05
  • Campobello International Marathon 2016 4:38
  • New York Marathon 2013 4:27
  • KVC Half Marathon 2013 1:42:38**
  • KVC Marathon 2008~ 3:34:56 ** PB
  • Marathon Ottawa ING 2007 (3:53:13)*
  • Marathon Istanbul/Eurasia 2007 (4:26:24)
  • Marathon by the Sea, 2017 4:57
  • Marathon by the Sea, 2016 4:50
  • Marathon by the Sea, 2006 (3:59:58)
  • Marathon by the Sea, 2004 (4:00:20)
  • Marathon by the Sea, 2002 (4:20:15)
  • Nerepis 30 KM Run 2007 (3:04:40)
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2019 1:53:39
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2017 1:59:36
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2015 1:43:29
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2014 1:48:19
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2008 (1:43:11)*
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2007 (1:48:14)
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2006 (1:44:06)
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2005 (1:47:56)
  • Fredericton Half Marathon 2003 (1:57:46)
  • Hypothermic Half Marathon SJ 2019 (2:06:39)
  • Hypothermic Half Marathon SJ 2007 (1:57:34)
  • Hypothermic Half Marathon SJ 2006 (1:49:05)
  • Hypothermic Half Marathon SJ 2005 (1:58:31)
  • LLRBB Half Marathon 2006 (1:55:15)

Friday, August 9, 2019

campobello marathon 2019

Ran thru the half in 2 hours but the wheels came off after that 4:37

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Fredericton Half Marathon 1:53:38



Thursday, February 21, 2019

January 29 of 31 for 100 miles ~ and Hypothermic Half

Ran 3.55 Miles everyday in January- that includes running in rainstorms and blizzards. I got sick the last weekend of January and missed 2 days so I was 2 short of the #31in#31Challenge. Maybe next year. I also rode my new virtual trainer quite a lot in January. It's a #TacXFlux. I really enjoy riding on Zwift #zwift and things are going well. After running the half in Saint John, my knee swelled up and it has been sore all week... so a few days off are in order. I'm home today and will go visit my doctor this afternoon. Below is the link for the hyopthermic half. I'm not sure how many years ago it was I ran in the first one.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2019- looking back & makin planz

so, It's Boxing Box 2018- I'm sitting at my uncle's place in Saint John waiting for the World Jr to come on. Team Canada are defending Champs. My Dad and my cousin Ali are here. I ran with Ali today, Run 112 of 2018 - just over 500 miles. I've had over 500 miles every year since 2005 now all logged on Garmin. I had a few 500 miles plus before that but it was pre-garmin. This was my lowest mileage year however in the past 15.

Was not able to find the time, motivation, or the drive to train properly for Ironman Tremblant. Deferred due to injury then have given up on that dream. I don't think this is something I can do without swim training like I was able to do for the half ironman. One swim a year on raceday just isn't enough training :)

A couple new developments: one being adding a new virtual trainer and ZWIFT to my training. I have figured out how to link Zwift to my Garmin so this should reflect nicely on my 2019 totals. Also, Strava, which I resisted, is a nice add to the training.

Plans for 2019:

Hypothermic Half in February
Lorneville Loop in April
Fredericton Half in May
Father's Day Race in June
Campobello Marathon - June 23, 2019
Marathon by the Sea in August
KVC Memorial Marathon in September
or Legs for Literacy in October

Monday, December 25, 2017

Looking forward to 2018

Christmas Day 2017

Sitting in my sister's kitchen in the Kootenays, overlooking the lake.

It's minus 11 degrees. Going for a run in a bit.

133 days running this year - should be close to 140

Big goals for next year - really just 1 - Ironman Mt. Tremblant

Just need to survive the swim ....


Friday, December 15, 2017

50 miles running this week

Monday, January 2, 2017

2017... the plan

2017 - Let's go!

January #30in30 x
Hypothermic Half  - Feb 19x
Pete's Pub Dash - March 19x
Lorneville Loop - April 9x
Fredericton Half Marathon - May 14 yes
Ottawa Marathon - May 28thx
Lubec Marathon - June 25 yes
Rev Half Iron Triathlon - July 9 yes
Marathon by the Sea -  August 13 yes


2016 - Wrap Up ~ Statistics


All Time:

Monday, October 31, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Challenge St Andrews 2016

Fourth Challenge Tomorrow


2103: 6:18:26 swim  44:38 bike 3:07 run 2:18
2014  6:00:06 swim  41:11 bike 2:52 run 2:19
2015  6:33:33 swim  44:12 bike 3:18 run 2 :21
2016- 6:23:11 swim  41:47 bike 3:12 run 2: 18

updated new years day 2019- with tos

got my legs shaved for tomorrow.. will see if that makes me faster...

188th place
2016: 6:23:11  swim 41:47 bike 3:12 run 2:18

6:18, 6:00, 6:33, 6:23.... swim times all within 4 minutes.. run times all within 3 minutes

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fredericton Half Marathon


pretty pumped with this result since I havent been loggin as many miles as other years ~ 64th place in the half marathon

64 1841 Kurt Gumushel Chamcook NB CA M 17/65 M4049 1:43:29 1:43:20 4:56

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Olympic Ttri


really need to work on transition

1. figure out watch/ reset
2. KY Jelly on ankles
3. leave shoes in clips and go barefoot into T1
4. shoehorn for T2
5. gum T1
6. Cliff bar T2

also, no spicy food the night before

overall a fun day

thanks Verne